About Healthcare Michigan
Healthcare Michigan is an independent news source providing broad coverage of health care and public health issues. We provide coverage of policies and regulations emerging from the Capitol in Lansing, public health issues affecting Michigan’s citizens, and professional and legal issues of concern to the professionals providing health care services across the state.
We develop stories and insights on national, state and local issues affecting physicians, hospitals, nurses, licensed healthcare professionals, insurance companies—the people and institutions the healthcare industry touches.
Healthcare Michigan has close to 2,000 digital subscribers, boasting a mix of healthcare professionals and decision makers from across Michigan. Our open and click rates exceed industry standards, in large part because our audience is organic, with subscribers choosing to receive publication.
Healthcare Michigan’s advisory board reflects our subscriber base in its diversity and inclusive membership, representing a wide range of stakeholders in the healthcare arena. Our target audience is influential and well-informed members of the healthcare leadership, policy making and service communities.